Prezentacje z konferencji zamykającej projekt InCoNaDa

Agata Hościło, Geir-Harald Strandt, 2024, Introduction to the InCoNaDa project, Final conference, Łódź, 04.04.2024  1_Hoscilo_Introduction to InCoNaDa Joanna Przystawska,CLMS product portfolio and future developments, Final conference, Łódź, 04.04.2024  2_Przystawska_CLMS_Products_portfolio_and_future_developments Svein Olav Krøgli, Testing CLMS products for monitoring agricultural landscapes and Ecological Focus Areas, Final conference, Łódź, 04.04.2024 3_Krogli_Testing CLMS products for monitoring agricultural landscapes…

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Prezentacje z 1-go międzynarodowego webinaru InCoNaDa

Invitation to 1st InCoNaDa webinar_6December2021Download Hościło A., 2021, Introduction to the InCoNaDa project & short presentation of the CLMS productsexamined in the project, 1st InCoNaDa international webinar, 6 December, international 1_1_Introduction-to-InCoNaDa_HosciloDownload Cysek-Pawlak M., Misiak J., 2021, The urban and spatial planning needs towards geospatial LC, LU and LU-changeinformation in Poland and Norway,…

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Inne działania

Current Research Information System in Norway (Cristin)  NIBIO home page

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Prezentacje konferencyjne

Krøgli S.O., Fjellstad W., Rizzi J., Hościło A., Chmielewska M., Testing the potential of Copernicus products for environmental monitoring., World Biodiversity Forum 2024, 2024-06-16, Davos, Switzerland, międzynarodowa POSTER Fjellstad W., Krøgli S.O., Rizzi J., Hościło A., Using Copernicus High Resolution Layer Imperviousness Density to monitor soil sealing in agricultural areas…

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Artykuły naukowe

Waśniewski A., Hościło A., Aune-Lundberg L.: The impact of selection of reference samples and DEM on the accuracy of land cover classification based on Sentinel-2 data, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2023, 32, 101035. Cysek-Pawlak, M., Misiak, J., Hościło, A., Strand, G.-H., & Eiter, S. 2023. Spatial planning needs…

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