4. Land Cover / Land Use for agricultural sector.

This task is dealing with the assessment of the potential of the CLMS products and the enhanced LCLU database, available in the form of web application for supporting agricultural policy in Poland (under the CAP) and national agricultural policy in Norway.Coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). Specific…

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5. Land Cover / Land Use for environmental monitoring.

This task is dealing with evaluation of suitability of CLMS and enhanced LCLU available in the form of web application, for environmental monitoring, biodiversity mapping and monitoring, how the CLMS data can be integrated with existing national monitoring activities.Coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). Specific Tasks:Task 5.1….

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6. Land Cover / Land Use for reporting GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF sector.

This task focuses on conducting a comprehensive analysis on the usefulness of CLMS products for current and future obligations towards national accounting and reporting of GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF. Verifying the enhanced LCLU database for the purposes of the LULUC sector.Coordinated by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National…

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