3. Land Cover / Land Use for urban and spatial planning.

This task is dealing with the assessment of the requirements of the urban and spatial planning towards geospatial LCLU / LCLU-changeinformation, and examination of the potential of the CLMS products for the requirements and obligations of urban and spatial planning.
Coordinated by the Łódź University of Technology (ŁUoT).

Specific Tasks:
Task 3.1: Assessment of the urban and spatial planning needstowards geospatial LU and LU-change information. 
Task 3.2: Mapping and monitoring land cover and land use changes. 
Task 3.3: Assessment of biologically active surfaces.
Task 3.4: Public access to green urban areas. 

The first deliverable: Report on the urban and spatial planning needs towards geospatial LC, LU and LU-change information in Poland and Norway has been delivered.

Ongoing activities:
We are currently focusing on the assessment of the usefulness of Copernicus products and data for calculation of the biologically active surfaces. The investigation is performed using the Copernicus High Resolution Layers: Imperviousness, Tree Cover Density and Small Woody Features. 


Example of the Biologically active areas derived from Copernicus LMS for City of Łódź and surroundings with the overlies of ancillary units.

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